Little did we all know a year ago that the world would come to a screeching halt due to an unprecedented pandemic – COVID-19.
Today we know, it changed pretty much everything we hold dear, and communities far and wide had to dip into their vast vaults of resiliency to tackle the daily challenges. During this time, we all learned to think outside the box.
VISAR’s Board of Directors and volunteer crew did just that; we expanded our mission from Saving Lives at Sea to Saving Lives BY Sea to support the BVI community. During this time, VISAR’s crew volunteered to transport potential COVID patients from sister islands to the hospital, helped pack government-issued food parcels, and shared useful information on social media.
The pandemic has been a challenge for us all, and the BVI community needed a Holiday pick-me-up. This is why VISAR’s Board of Directors decided to go ahead with its latest fundraiser event, VISAR’s Winter Wonderland Ice Rink. Who would have thought an ice rink possible here in the BVI? We did receive quite a few puzzled looks, however, after clarifying it was not actual ice but a synthetic version of it, the community flocked to the rink to explore this new venture. Young and old thoroughly enjoyed this novel activity. And don’t you worry, this was not a one-time deal! VISAR’s Winter Wonderland will reopen for this year’s Holiday Season, so stay tuned for updates on our Facebook page VISAR.bvi.
These are challenging times for us all, and we hope you are in good spirits and health. In times like these, we are reminded of how interconnected we all are, and, hence, we would like to share with you what we’ve been up to.
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